The latest episode of Learn+ is out now!
Drawing inspiration from a painting for your photographs can help imbue your work with a more timeless feel. There are many elements that we associate with a ‘painterly’ approach. You can be inspired by painterly lighting, wardrobe, posing, set design, or color palette. You can borrow a single feature to give a slightly more painterly feel to your work or directly pay homage to a single painter’s style.
This episode is just dripping in beautiful painterly inspiration. The models I have chosen, the way I place their hands, the backgrounds/sets I design and much more are all inspired by paintings and I think the results are truly timeless, eye-catching, and beautiful! I can’t wait to share this process with you! I am thrilled with the images created this month and I already know this will be a topic I’m going to revisit in the future!
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